Since my last update loads has been done and it is actually statrting to look like an allotment rather than an overgrown field.
So here is the piccies first and I will update as we go
The husband earning his keep and digging the first of our plots
This pampas grass is the bain of my life, I hate it so much. The husband says to just leave it but I cant so I have a hack at it everytime we go down and lose a bit more off it.
One nicely dug plot ready for potatoes and onions
This is going to be Olivias plot but as you will see further down the page there is an enormous pile of compost in the corner so she will be getting a slightly smaller plot
Under the bucket is the rhubarb
Poo! and two dug plots now. This smaller one is going to be for more "summery" stuff like lettuce, peas radish, peppers etc etc
Plot 3 :)
just behind the fire is going to be the fruit plot, there are lots of fruit bushes dotted about so I am going to fence them in some way and give them their own patch
So it really is coming along fantastically now and you can tell its an allotment rather than an overgrown mess. Still need to get the car down and get rid of the rubbish, we desperately need a shed as there is no water supply so we need to set up water butts and we need/want timber to make the beds raised.
Nearly every windowsill in the house is covered in seed trays which are all now sprouting (which makes me a bit excited)
And finaly, the allotments are surrounded by fields and we never usually see a soul, but yesterday we had some new neighbours, very very cute and it certainly feels like spring is springing!!
Wow! Fantastic progress! I love your blog, great photos, humour and words.