Tuesday 8 March 2011

Saturday 5th March

Today I met with the lady from the parish council who was going to show me my new allotment.  She did warn me prior that it was a bit overgrown but that didnt prepare me for how bad it was.  To say my heart sunk was an understatement.  It is very very overgrown and we think it has been used as a bin by the neighbour.  Two rusty wheel barrows are abandoned under the overgrowth.  It is going to be a lot of work.
Took the husband down and we both just stood and looked wondering what we had let ourselves in for.

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About Me

United Kingdom
Welcome to my blog sharing the growth of my allotment. Myself, The husband and the three kids have all recently moved from the town we have always lived in, to a beautiful village 4 miles out of the town in County Durham. When we lived in town the idea of owning an allotment was a distant dream due to lack of allotments and huge waiting lists. When we moved myself and my daughter had gone for a walk, got lost, found some allotments, enquired and was offered one all in the space of a week. I know nothing about "allotmenting" so this will be a huge learning curve. I just keep repeating "it will be lovely when its done"